i have a great little book called pendulum power
i have 2 different pendulums:
* a crystal in the shape of a teardrop, its plastic and hangs from a piece of plastic fishing line
* a small brass colored metal one in the shape of a round (spinning) top or right-side-up onion with an extended point at the bottom hanging from a piece of thread. this one i purchased: the pendulum kit
i started testing my pendulum kit pendulum about 2 weeks ago (late march, early april) i think, before i started reading PP. my approach was simple:
1. dont think of the answer, dont want a particular answer
2. hold the pendulum up against my forhead while bending over so that my hand wouldnt move (it was pressed against my forehead)
experiment 1: ask questions i knew the answers to. every question i asked was answered correctly.
experiment 2: i went through a series of 34 numbers for a lotto drawing and needed 7 numbers. it answered yes on 7 different numbers, no less. 3 of them were right (1 of the 3 was an extra number. there are 2 extra numbers drawn, so a total of 9), 2 of them were 1 off and 1 of them was reversed (32 instead of 23). 1 of the numbers was also the jackpot number that needs to be drawn in order to release the jackpot.
experiment 3: i asked last night (20100417) if a relative of mine who is pregnant would have a boy and it answered yes. we'll see what happens =)
i read several interesting things in PP today:
page 12
Bovis theorized that the earth has positive magnetic currents running north to south and negative magnetic currents running east to west. ... And as Bovis claimed, adamantly, subtle currents affected all structures on the surface of the earth. He found that any body placed in a north-south axis would become more or less polarized. His researched showed that human bodies were curiously affected by these magnetic lines of force.this made me think of how i sleep. i have been sleeping in an east-west direction for the past 2-3 years. i think ill try and switch to sleeping in a north-south to see if i can gain any positive effects. the funny this is that the 2 happiest people in our family have beds facing north-south!
vibratory currents, he discovered, emanated from the open eyes of each and every one of us.i would really like to read more about his findings/tests/results if anybody knows where i can look? i have always wondered how we as humans, many times, can feel that someone is looking at us and this would be a possible explanation =) very interesting.
page 13
[in Paris] is an active old shop called the Maison de Radiesthesie. ... stocking the shelves with every book, pamphlet, and leaflet available on the pendulum. ... The shop also houses an incredible array of pendulums in every shape, substance, and size imaginable.would be really cool to visit this shop! (flickr picture set) =) i think if i were to visit though i would have to do so without a credit card =)
simple ideomotor effect experiment
i taped the end of my pendulum string on the edge of a table, with just enough string hanging out so i could hold on to it. now it was impossible for me to physically move the pendulum. i tried doing it with my mind and it wouldnt move. when i hold the pendulum freely (not taped to the table) it moves (although i cannot see my self moving it and im trying to hold my hand still as possible).
i see the use of the pendulum as a good way to communicate with my subconcious/higher self (who for all i know can also retrieve information from the universe/other sources), so even if the moving of the pendulum is the ideomotor effect, the result, i believe, is the same.
page 65
i did the experiment about asking which planet energies i am currently deficient in and i got "deficient" on:
moon - i have a very selective memory; i dont like getting into habits/routines because i enjoy freedom; i would like to get better contact with my subconcious mind
sun - maybe i dont quite know what my purpose is in life right now
uranus - i feel like i am quite original, but i also like to use what works (not big on buying new clothes), maybe i need to get more modern in how i dress? and maybe i need to be even more myself around people; do and say what i really think
the ideomotor + aura effect
i was talking to HH today about my study of the pendulum and about the ideomotor effect and how it is crazy that even though im sure that it is me somehow moving the pendulum, that i cant see my hand moving. then he suggested that maybe the human aura/energy also helps, since it supposedly radiates a little outside of our physical body. i wonder how i could test this?
the pendulum telepathy experiment
last night i was reading on page 69 about how joseph and greg used telepathy to get steve to call them about something important. at the end of the chapter they write:
we hope that others will experiment along these lines so that new data can be added to this most important New Age science.so decided to try it =) i found a picture of my wife (it was even over 10 years old) and put it on my lap and held the pendulum over it and started the think the words "call me tonight instead of just sending an sms". the pendulum started to move around in the positive motion and then stopped like after 30 seconds only and then stood completely still for about 2-3 minutes while i continued to think those words. i did it also (implementing a scrying tip from carrol poke runyon) without blinking the entire time. my wife sent me an sms (i told her earlier to send me an sms when she got back to her hotel room safely) and i went to bed thinking i needed maybe to just practice some more. i told my wife the next day what i had tried to do and she told me she had actually thought about calling me last night =) so my telepathic message went through after all!
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