Wednesday, 17 February 2010

questions for the lds church

im labeling this one uq AND aq because i feel at least some of these questions are rhetorical. this is an ongoing list of things i have been thinking about for a long time.

heres a simple case set:
you are a father/mother and have 4 children; sonA and daughterA choose to be baptized and become members of the lds church and sonB and daughterB chose not to become a member, but all live equally "worthy",

* the gift of the holy ghost - an "open line" to guidance from god as long as one lives "worthy".
would you restrict or down-prioritize contact with sonB because he chose not to be baptized (lower himself down into some water), even though he lived just as "worthy" as sonA? would you be less inclined to speedily help daughterB when she asked you for help or guidance?
(this is an example of one of the rhetorical questions =)

along the same lines, if we are asked to have unconditional love, to mirror jesus christ, in other words, god/jesus christ have unconditional love, and god is no respecter of persons, then i cant get this to add up.

* also similar to the previous question, if baptism is a requirement to return to god and live with him and inherit everything he has. would you give your children a mandate that they must lower themselves underneath water and make them promise to be obedient to you, otherwise they get no inheritance or a lot less inheritance from you when you die? and furthermore, not be allowed to live in your presence forever more? i dont know of anybody on earth who does this, although there might be some who do, but i think the general public opinion would think that person is unloving and wicked and unfair. if daughterB said to you, "father, i dont see any point in lowering my self down in some water, but i will promise to live to be as loving and nice of a person as daughterA", would you still say "then you will never see my face again" or "then you will get no inheritance from me" or "well i will have to cut your inheritance to half of daughterA and i will never allow you to come to this house again. i want to see you go down in some water. that is the most important part! this is what is really important to me!".
(another example of a rhetorical question)

(as of writing this i am still a member of the lds church)

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