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My friend, I call'm as I see'm: you're verily confused, as I was not too long ago. But, yet, I grew-up outta this filthy, whorizontal mainstream ruled by Satan's world. Personally, I'm God-fearing because we A-L-L must someday sometime somewhere bite-the-dust; we’re A-L-L sinfull mortals due to Adam. Then what? Then, while our body becomes food for grubsNwormsNlarva to be recycled in the grave, our indelible soul lives fo'eva. While we can escape Jesus while on earth, we can never escape after death: Jesus shall judge U.S. on how well WE have lived our finite existence, deserving Heaven or Hell. No in between. Thus, it wouldn't be a reeeeeeeel good idea to be a LeftyLib who only worships the whorizontal. God bless you with discernment. Meet me Upstairs, k, where we'll have a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy celebrating our resurrection for maaany eons. You're most invited. See ya soon.