Thursday, 31 March 2011

"the largest group of suicide terrorists are the Tamil Tigers, a group of atheist Marxists." DEBUNKED

i saw an interesting claim in the comments of bill maher to Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison: The Qur'an Is A 'Hate Filled Holy Book by user ProIndividual
largest group of suicide terrorists..are the Tamil Tigers, a group of atheist Marxists.

according to time magazine "The Tigers ... include 5,000 to 10,000 guerillas".

how many muslims are there? about 1.5 billion. obviously not all of them would carry out a suicide bombing, but you can see the ridiculous difference in numbers. and just look at some of the suicide bombing statistics:

according to the wikipedia article LTTE: "between 1980 and 2000, the LTTE carried out 168 suicide attacks".

and the wikipedia Suicide attack article: "In 2004 in Iraq alone there were 400 suicide attacks".

it's quite common, irresponsible and incorrect to cite atheism as a key source and motivator of violence in non-religious political ideologies.

atheism+'no afterlife' is completely incompatible with suicide.

religion+'salvation/glory/rewards after death' is an important motivator for islamic suicide bombers. non-religious people also carry out suicide bombings, as in the case of the Tamil Tigers, but they are doing it because they are influenced, persuaded and coerced by the political ideology, NOT because of their critical analysis of the existence of god (i.e. atheism).

LTTE is a political ideology.
atheism is the disbelief in deity. period.

book of abraham couldnt possibly come from the papyri joseph smith said he translated it from

this is taken from "The Book of Abraham" by Robert M. Bowman Jr., Director of Research, Institute for Religious Research ( march 2011 e-newsletter)
The surviving pieces from the Hor papyrus total about three feet long. According to University of Chicago Egyptology professors Klaus Baer and Robert Ritner, the original papyrus was probably about five feet long (so that roughly two feet are missing). LDS scholars such as John Gee often suggest that the text for the Book of Abraham was on the missing papyrus. Gee’s original suggestion was that the papyrus was about ten feet long, a claim that Ritner (Gee’s former professor) said has “no justification.” In 2008, Gee went further and argued that a complex mathematical formula based on the winding of the papyrus shows that over forty feet of papyrus are missing from the original roll. In 2010 Andrew Cook and Christopher Smith applied the same method in a more sophisticated analysis and concluded that about two feet of papyrus are missing, agreeing with Baer and Ritner’s estimates. Cook and Smith also estimated that the existing text of the Book of Abraham, if written in the same Egyptian script on the same roll, would take up about 17 feet. Given these estimates, it is simply not possible for the text Joseph Smith claimed was the Book of Abraham to have fit on the Hor papyrus. In fact, even Gee’s supposed missing forty feet would not be enough, since as Gee himself admits, the present Book of Abraham represents only a small fraction of the total writings of Abraham that Joseph Smith claimed were on the roll.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

the two-tongued "mysterious logic" of christianity

sent to my by email from a good friend:
You proclaim with certainty that if I use my mind, I can see, with clarity, the truth of the Bible. That with intuition from my heart, and the soundness of my brain, the word will be revealed as truth, because truth is clear and illuminating. You insist the existence of God is clear to any person who, logically, thinks it through.

You tell me that the world around us evidences a creator. That without a cause, there can be no effect. That entropy demands the complexity of life proves its own impossibility, therefore necessitating a transcendent God. You plead with me to use human reason to "see" that the precision of the Universe demands that there must be God. That it is the only, "scientifically" plausible conclusion. You base your arguments in logic, and arrive at conclusions with linguistic ingenuity worthy of the finest debate . You explain the inner workings of cells and other precise scientifically derived mechanics which evidence profound design. You stand confident on the shoulders of great scientific giants whose works form the basis of your arguments. You understand that to convince, it is pristine facts, logic, and reason which must form the basis of human communication as otherwise we would be lost in an ocean of falsehood and uncertainty.

But when 15,000 innocent men women and children die in a Tsunami, you tell me that God works in mysterious ways. When I ask about babies who were not fortunate to receive the "word" being "saved" or "damned" you explain that we shouldn't expect to understand with our limited minds things in the heavenly realm. Things, like - God. You tell me that God doesn't have to be logical. You assure me there is no problem since the great mystery of God is his beauty.

You use "logic" when it suits you.

You use "mystery" when it suits you.

This, Christian, is called duplicity and according to you, it is a trait of the devil.

Monday, 14 March 2011

similarities between mormons and muslims

a prophet, an angel, revelation, new scripture and polygamy

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

faith and/vs obedience and the reason god doesnt show himself to the world

mormons pride themselves on believing that the typical christian/jesus/NT believing isnt enough to get into heaven. "obedience is the first law of heaven." (DC 130:20-21) you have to be obedient and repent when you do something wrong. THAT is how you get into heaven.

you cant be saved by faith alone. "faith without works is dead."

if this is true, then there would be nothing hindering god in showing himself to everybody in the world. it wouldnt destroy his plan because everybody would still have to choose to be obedient. after all, that is how you get into heaven--by obeying god's commandments.

thus, the reason the mormon god doesnt show himself to the world is NOT because it would destroy his plan, but because he doesnt exist.

the mormon "war in heaven" story is the perfect implementation of my theory. everybody--in the presence of god--had to choose whether or not to follow jesus' plan. 2/3rds of the people chose to follow satan. it makes absolutely no sense then to make it a blind choice once here on earth.,132179

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

muslim heckler trying to glorify islam by pointing out deaths by the "west"

this is someone named SA posting on sian's facebook page:
SA: MÅ stoppe NAZISTER og terror fra vestlige verden.

TVN: Ja, for nazister fra den vestilge verden er det mange av... not!

MA: Den vestlige nazismen forsvant heldigvis som liksur røyk fra bensinbålet med levningene av Der Führer utenfor Rikskanselliet i Berlin en aprildag i 1945. Bortsett fra noen knapt merkbare, nervøse krampetrekninger fra et slagent, totalitært ...beist er nazismen et tankesystem som er helt og fullstendig forkastet – i det minste for den del av menneskeheten som seiret gjennom uavlatelig kamp for sine frihetsidealer. Det forstemmende nå er at Hitlers og resten av den totalitære familiens ånder fortsatt byr opp til dans inn i det nye årtusen – til rytmer fra Riyadh, Teheran, Gaza og ellers hvor diktaturet, antisemittismen, rasismen og menneskehatet blomstrer i giftgrønn sjattering.

SA: WOW så bra, mener du at norge er tomt av nazister?? det viste jeg ikke. :)

KJB: Muslimer liker godt nazismen! Hitlers (min kamp) er bestselger i Tyrkia.. Islam er nazisme---

SA: Kanksje Hilter kom fra Saudia arabia ;) Hat lever i dere blod og aldri kommer ut. Jødene ble drept og kastet ut av vestlige folk, svarte folk ble drept ok sparket av vestlige folk, Indianer ble drept og sparket av vestlige folk.. Algeria,Tunisia,Syria,Japan;vietnam,Irak,afganistan osv.. ble okupert av vestlige verden milloner av sivile ble drept av dem.Men jeg må ikke glemme at vestlige folk har sendte hjelp til dødene folk også.

MA: Du forsøker med andre ord å saldere islams forbryterkonto ved å henvise til all annen urett som er blitt begått gjennom historien. Altså, historisk finnes intet annet formål for hvilket mer blod er blitt spilt enn islams. 270 millioner drep...te kafirer vil uansett veie tyngst på kjøttvekta – dersom du er tilhenger av den typen forenklet logikk.
I følge historikere er mer enn 80 millioner mennesker drept kun i India ved islams sverd. Millioner ble drept i Persia, Egypt og i alle andre land som ble angrepet av de muslimske plyndrerhordene – både under erobringstoktene og tiden som fulgte. Det fortsetter også i dag.
Det viktigste er imidlertid dagens situasjon. Ingen annen ideologi utgjør en slik overhengende trussel mot vår fred og frihet som islam. Islamske terrorister har utført mer enn 15 000 dødbringende angrep kun siden 11.9.2001. For alle andre religioner sammenlagt teller tilsvarende angrep rundt 12 i samme tidsperiode. Det går ikke én eneste uke uten at muslimer forsøker å drepe kristne, jøder, hinduister, buddhister, ateister med flere – eksplisitt i Allahs navn.
Tror du virkelig at muslimene ofre for en kristen-animistisk-serbisk-gresk-jødisk-russisk-armensk-sekulær-kommunistisk-hinduistisk-sikhistisk-buddhistisk-katolsk sammensvergelse, eller kan det tenkes at det er islam det er noe galt med?

SA: I 1 og 2 verdens krig over 70 milloner ble drept og dette er ikke noe fals tallet, men dine er bare propagende.

MA: Nei, ærlig talt. Nå står du bare ved dørstokken og gneldrer som en angstbitersk kjøter. Mine tall kan jeg for det første understøtte med litteraturhenvisninger. Se blant annet Ali Sinas «Understanding Mohammad, A Psychobiography» (2007). For det andre bør du ta i betraktning at også islam spilte en rolle i verdenskrigene, men du har kanskje aldri hørt om Det osmanske rike – eller Hajj Amin al-Husseini, stormuftien av Jerusalem, som rådslo om «Die Judenfrage» med selveste Adolf Eichmanns helt samtidig som kremasjonsovnene i Auschwitz knitret med hissig flamme?

MA: Ja, også glemte jeg til og med hele poenget mitt i forbifarten: Ofrene for de to verdenskrigene skyldes selvfølgelig ikke én «vestlig» ideologi. Det er en påstand så skingrende falsk at den burde fått krystallglassene til å slå sprekker over eteren.

JT: SA. Om du tror virkelig at historier om andres bloodstrids gjennom tidligere århundrer skal redferdigegjør det Islam holder på med I dag? Jeg driter i all skiten Kristendommen har gjort før i tiden, alt som engaserer meg er hvor mange Islam dreper I dag, Hvor mange som må lide mens vi snakker! Alle religioner uten om islam høres ganske fristende ut nå til dags, fordi de har klart å integrere seg i samtiden og kulturen.

TLG: srur ta en titt her:

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

good atheist videos about science and religion and superstition

richard dawkins on youtube
christopher hitchens on youtube
sam harris on youtube
dan dennett on youtube
michael shermer on youtube
victor stenger on youtube
james randi on youtube
pat condell on youtube
richard feynman on youtube
carl sagan on youtube
eugenie scott on youtube